FOS limit changes

On 1 April 2019, the FCA increased the Financial Ombudsman Service’s award limit from £150,000 to £350,000. This applies to complaints referred to the Ombudsman service on or after 1 April 2019 about firms’ acts or omission on or after that date.

The limit for complaints referred to the service on or after 1 April 2019 about pre-1 April acts or omissions, was increased to £160,000.

These limits are adjusted each year to ensure they keep pace with inflation. This is done by applying the percentage increase in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) between January 2019 and January of the relevant year, and rounding the adjusted figure down to the nearest £5,000.

Following the publication of the CPI figures for January 2020, the award limits are increased as follows:

  • For complaints referred to the Ombudsman service on or after 1 April 2020 to £355,000 for complaints about acts or omissions on or after 1 April 2019.
  • There will be no changes to the other limits.

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Action Required By You

  • Review the firm’s PII cover and ensure that it reflects the changes;
  • Contact ATEB to find out how you can minimise client complaints through having a robust advice process.
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Technical Manager - Often referred to as the Oracle or the Sage, Alistair has a wealth of financial services experience. He is our go-to Technical Manager and enjoys nothing more than a complicated conundrum. Feel free to test his renowned knowledge by getting in touch.

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