In December 2014, the FCA and FOS consulted on changes to the Dispute Resolution: Complaints Sourcebook (DISP) in order to implement the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directive.
The FCA has since issued a Handbook Notice and final rules here, which enables firms to meet the 9th July deadline.
Please note the new rules apply only to complaints received from 9th July 2015 onwards. The main changes are:
- FOS will be able to consider complaints where the firm has not already investigated the complaint, but only if both the firm and the client consent;
- Current complaints time limits will continue to apply. However, firms will be allowed to consent to FOS considering a complaint if it is referred outside the current time limits;
- There will be prescribed wording for firms to tell clients they consent to waiving the time limits – it is important firms incorporate the appropriate prescribed wording within any final response communication to a client who has complained;
- The definition of ‘eligible complainant’ will be extended to include professional clients and eligible counterparties, where the person is an individual acting for purposes outside his trade, business, craft or profession; firms need to bear in mind this extended definition of eligible complainant if and when client complaints are received.
The FCA/FOS December consultation also contained separate policy proposals to improve complaints handling. Therefore, we can expect a further policy statement later in the year.
New Content Integration with Binary Capital
Doug McFarlane Suitability 2018, 2025, Binary Capital, Content Integration, content management, EU, FCA, Integration, Investment, ML, PI, Update
We have some exciting news on the latest upgrade to ATEB Suitability on 14 February 2025. This update comes at no additional cost and provides a new addition to our content integration library. We have partnered with Binary Capital to provide our customer firms with access to the following: A description of their service […]