TR22/1 – Thematic Review: Observations on wind-down planning

The FCA has published a Thematic Review report which provides some observations around the quality of wind-down planning in firms.


The report can be read here. A brief summary of the key observations is noted below.


During wind-down a firm must continue to pay its liabilities as they fall due. Failure to do so could push the firm into a disorderly wind-down or an insolvency process. The FCA reported seeing that firms often consider capital needs in their wind-down plans but do not consider liquidity. A firm should consider how its cash position may change during the wind-down period, and plan accordingly.

Cash flow timing

Firms must have the ability to fund any temporary mismatches which occur during wind-down, some of which can be very significant for certain business models. The FCA observed that, even though a firm may be net cash positive over the entire wind-down period, it can experience significant cash timing mismatches during wind-down, for example due to reduced revenue and increased costs over the wind-down period. Firms should create a comprehensive list of inflows, outflows and possible side effects of wind-down including:

  • Clients are likely to be more cautious, eg reducing the level of funds held with the firm.
  • Finance providers are likely to withdraw facilities.
  • Creditors are likely to become more demanding.
  • Debtors may become more reluctant to pay, delaying receipts.
  • Staff may leave, creating operational challenges around cashflow management, and the potential need for expensive cover arrangements.
  • New revenue is likely to be reduced by wind-down.
  • Revenues from residual and historic business may be largely unaffected.

Wind-down triggers

Wind-down triggers are an essential part of wind-down planning. They should be designed such that the firm enters wind-down at a point where it will have sufficient financial and operational resources to complete an orderly wind-down.

Wind-down triggers should be considered as an initiation point for the firm to act and consider whether wind-down is required. The FCA observed that many firms failed to consider an appropriate range of wind-down trigger metrics (eg capital resources) and the calibration of the wind-down triggers was not justified.

Failure to create adequate wind-down triggers could lead to wind-down decisions occurring at the point when financial or non-financial resources may be reduced and time to respond scarce, limiting the firm’s options. Wind-down triggers should be closely linked to the firm’s risk management frameworks and be monitored closely particularly during times of stress.

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Our View

For information. ATEB can assist firms in creating robust risk management and wind-down plans.

Action Required By You

The FCA is encouraging firms to review the observations and consider incorporating these into their own wind-down planning processes and documents, in a way that is proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the firm’s activities.
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About the Author

John is Chartered Financial Planner and a Fellow. With a wealth of financial services experience, including as a successful adviser, John is a long standing ATEB consultant, with a proven track record of delivering robust compliance and T&C solutions across all regulatory disciplines.

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