Financial Scam Follow Up

Please refer to our previous article regarding a financial scam in the financial services industry here. One of our clients has kindly supplied the following information

The adviser received an email in December purporting to be from one of their wealthiest clients, stating that they were in the Ukraine and that all their money had been stolen. They had managed to keep their passports but now needed funds to fly home urgently.
The fact that the email came from the client’s email address looked genuine, but it was in broken English; nevertheless, that could have been because the clients had just been mugged and would therefore have been extremely upset.
The adviser did not respond to this email and waited for any further instruction on the basis that if the clients really were in a desperate situation, then they would have followed up, contacted their family, etc. 
Finally, the adviser rang the client who confirmed that they had been hacked and requests had gone to everyone in their address box.

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ATEB Suitability provides report writing software for the financial services market.

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If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t!

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For information only. Be vigilant, as online crime is becoming more sophisticated.

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About the Author

Steve is an ATEB Director and has a deep understanding of all matter regulatory, built up over his 30 years + in the industry. With a training background and a technical brain, he overseas numerous complex projects and client implementation work.

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