Some of our clients have recently used the following training resources and have recommended them:
The Pensions Regulator has developed an online, e-learning programme for trustees to help you achieve the required level of knowledge and understanding. You don’t have to be a trustee however and you can register as a pensions adviser.
Register here
Eukleia provide material that can be used by firms’ management and principals for such topics as senior management responsibilities and preparing for an ARROW visits.
Find them here
Template Enhancement: New ‘Capital Redemption Bond’ Product
Doug McFarlane Suitability 2024, Capital Redemption Bond, content management, PI, Suitability Review, Template Enhancement, Update
We have completed the latest upgrade to ATEB Suitability on 16 September 2024. This update comes at no additional cost and provides various template-related enhancements. Full details of the enhancements can be found below: Suitability Report Template: New ‘Capital Redemption Bond’ product type ‘Capital Redemption Bond’ has been added as a new product type […]